Whenever orders are created, this code is triggered. Remember to save your files choosing Ctrl + S. If (each.stock > 111) each.title += ' - 11% discount!' Add some discount for overstocked books If (affectedRows = 0) req.error (409, "Sold out, sorry") In the srv folder choose the New File icon in Visual Studio Code and create a new file called cat-service.cds.Īdd the following code to the file cat-service.cds: using )
Let’s feed it by adding a simple domain model.
In the command line window run the following:Īfter initializing the project, you should see the following empty folders:.Go to View → Command Palette → Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal to open a command line window within Visual Studio Code and run the following command in the root level of your project: npm install Open Visual Studio Code, go to File → Open and choose the my-bookshop folder. No models found in db/,srv/,app/,schema,services. Watching: cds,csn,csv,ts,mjs,cjs,js,json,properties,edmx,xml,env,css,gif,html,jpg,png,svg. js files, the server automatically restarts to serve the new content.Īs there’s no content in the project so far, it just keeps waiting for content with a message as shown: cds serve all -with-mocks -in-memory? Whenever you feed your project with new content, for example, by adding or modifying. This command tries to start a cds server. In the command line window run the following: cds watch Go to Terminal → New Terminal to open a command line window within Visual Studio Code and run the following command in the root level of your project: npm install In Visual Studio Code, go to File → Open Folder and choose the my-bookshop folder. This creates a folder my-bookshop in the current directory. Open a command line window and run the following command in a folder of your choice to create the project: cds init my-bookshop With your installed CDS command line tool, you can now create a new CAP-based project, in the form of a new directory with various things preconfigured.